Paperback VS Kindle- Which One You Like?
Posted by admin
On May 07, 2021
Paperback VS Kindle- Which one you like?
Paperback or Kindle, it’s a debate that is an ongoing one. Few find the paperback good and ultimate choice. On the other hand, few consider the Kindle as the trendiest way to read books. Being an avid reader, I got the taste of both options. So, this time, I thought to pen down a post about what pros and cons I witnessed in both options.

You will be surprised to know that there was a time I denied accepting Kindle as a book. But the sincere request of my fellow book-loving friend I thought to give it a try for the very first time. Well, yes, I do read Kindle books now.
So now my view on Paperback VS Kindle:
Yes, both are books, one visible and one invisible
We can smell the fresh new pages of the book and its divine. This fragrance of book is missing when you choose to go with Kindle
Both can be your best friend in lonely times of life
To hold the books safe, you need a bookshelf, and yes, that occupies space. But for Kindle, you can hold more than 1000 books in one invisible library with no space occupied
Kindle is a handy choice over paperback/hardcover. You just need to download and start reading wherever you are.
If you are having eyesight problems, Kindle is always a better choice as you can adjust to enlarge the words for an easy read. In addition to that Kindle comes with an anti-glare screen.
Protection of the books from pests attack, is something which always makes a paperback lover feel scared. If attacked by pests, the books are gone forever. Kindle users are relieved from such pressure and expensive measures.
Kindle books are available at a low price when compared with paperbacks ( fresh new books). I found it to be a key reason behind its popularity. Yes, second-hand books you can get at a cheap price. Well, the term second hand is not so alluring for me, until and unless it’s a gift from one generation to other.
Promoting and marketing costs remain the same for Kindle and Paperback as both go together.
Publishing Kindle books can be done by the authors on their own and so the cost of printing is saved. It turned feasible for many aspiring authors to publish their books so easily.
Kindle saves paper, and for that, it deserves a big thumbs up.
Stealing or misplacing of books… in short, we can say book lost situation will not be there in case of Kindle.
Oh yes, Kindle does offer free books to read, and that is a definite advantage for book lovers.
Coming to the last point. In this pandemic, it’s always safe to go with the kindle version of books.
Well, both have some pros and cons, and it’s on you to decide which one you wish to choose. For me, now it’s both. Book on the bookshelf and in my Kindle, library looks perfect to me.
TOPICS BooksBookshelfKindleLiabraryPaperbackReaders Choice
I will always chose a paperback over a kindle, I know I know, kindles are more economical on the long run and they save paper and what not? But literally flipping through the pages of yellowed paper is the real bliss to a bibliophile
A well written post…. I agree to all the points listed.. I think I need to start reading ebooks so as to save paper, money and yes space…
Great post. I love reading the paperback. I know kindle is better in a lot of aspects but paper is the smell of a book. I like kindle when I travel.
I love paperbacks more than kindle. The smell and the beautiful feeling you get when one admires your bookshelf is divine. Love your post Samata.
I want to add a thing, I will surely love to read Paperback, but if I have to choose I will choose Kindle. It doesn’t matter from which medium you are learning, you are learning something whether it’s from Pdf, Epub, Ebook, paperback, or hardcover. Other points are same as yours.
Such a useful insight!! I am a person who likes to read online books because I can get them easily. However, there are people who taunt me for doing this. So, your insight would be helpful for me to tell the actual advantages of both over each other.
Can U read my mind ? I desperately needed this concept now a days. As I prefer paperback but many people told me many things between paperback and Kindle. I kind a got overwhelmed to see you come up with this ❤️
I prefer paperbacks to kindle or ebooks. I love the feel of the physical books in my hand. However, I find ebooks easier to read. I read a lot faster there.
Kindle is convenient, especially while travelling. But nothing can replace the unique experience of curling up in bed with a paperback and smelling the fragrance of fresh print.
A well-written post✌. I agree with all the points listed. I am sorry to say but I prefer paperback for myself and for my kids too. I know, kindle is good for the long run but I only prefer it while travelling.
I used to be an out and out paperback person. Bit of late I have started reading kindle as well. Because of the ease of carrying so many books together. But nothing can replace the feel of paperback.
Very nice information and well written article post. I can’t choose. I choose both Paperback and Kindle. So I agree with your points. Thanks for sharing.
I prefer paperbacks over kindle. But I would prefer having balance among the two. And that would be environment friendly too.
Very detailed post. Beautifully penned down . But if u ask me I am a hard book fan. Reading with screen doesn’t makes me happy.
I still like to turn pages and like the smell of books while reading. I have read very few books on the Kindle.
I’m actually torn between the two. Growing up reading from a physical book itself made me addicted to the bookish smell of it (avid book readers would surely resonate with this). The convenience of having tons of books at hand using a kindle and let’s add to that self-awareness to trees being used to be able to make books can at times get you appreciate technology.
Totally agree with all of the points that you’ve listed. I prefer paperbacks more myself. But I’m trying to read more ebooks this year.