Few Things To Know about Jawaharlal Nehru- Chacha Nehru
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On November 13, 2021
Few Things To Know about Jawaharlal Nehru- Chacha Nehru

Do you know that personality who contributed massively and played the central role in the negotiations during Indian Independence? Yes, we are talking about India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
14th November is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was also known as ‘Chacha Nehru’ and was quite popular among children. He was fond of kids and loved them as well. On his birthday we celebrate Children’s Day in India.
A short intro on his life:
Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889 in one of the rich families of Allahabad. So, he did not face any difficulties in his childhood. He was very close to Mahatma Gandhi, and both of them have worked together for freedom.
He was the person who got respect from the entire world. After the Independence of India, he was the first Prime Minister of India and held this position for 17 years and served the country till his last breath. At the time of British Rule, he went to jail many times because of independence movements.
He remained the leader of the Indian Congress, and applied sensible communist reforms, and shaped India towards a policy of Industrialization.
What Jawaharlal Nehru said about the children?
Once he said that “the children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.”
Some of the facts about the Legend that everyone should know:
He completed his studies mostly from home under the supervision of an English Tutor till 16 years. He belongs to the family of migrant Kashmiri Pandits. He also learned Hindi and Sanskrit to understand Indian culture.
In 1905 he went to Harrow in England for further studies, spent three years in Cambridge, and got his graduation degree in Natural Sciences. After two years of higher study in London, he becomes a Barrister.
In 1912 he returned to India and joined Allahabad High Court for the law practice and wanted to settle as a barrister, but that career was short-lived. The Mahatma Gandhi ideology attracted him, and he joined him as a freedom fighter in non-violence movements.
He has been nominated 11 times for Noble Prize for Peace 1950-1955 but never won it.
Under the supervision of Jawaharlal Nehru, India managed to set up large steel plants in various cities like Rourkela, Bhilai, and Bokaro. He acted as a catalyst in shaping top educational institutions like IITs, IISc and IIMs and several nuclear plants.
He studied politics precisely and got motivation from Bernard Shaw, H.G Wells, and many other inexhaustible writers.
We shared with you some key information about the legendary person Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Moreover, we reveal some unknown facts for the reader to give you more information about this renowned personality. For more information, stay tuned with us.
TOPICS Chacha NehruChildren's DayIndian IndependenceJawaharlal Nehru
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