Dr. Joseph K. Thomas- The Author With Kargil Background

When, where and how an author will be born no one will have any idea. One of the inspiring examples of this is Dr. Joseph K. Thomas, a Kargil War Veteran. His experience in the borders of the nation turned him into a leading Geo-politcal author of India. I got the opportunity to interview this amazing author and learned a lot about his journey.

1. Welcome to this interview session Dr. Joseph K. Thomas. Before we go ahead, we will insist you to say something about you, your family, and your life in school.

Joseph:  My name is  Dr. Joseph Thomas, I am an Kargil War Veteran, a Corporate leader, an Educationist, and a Social Entrepreneur. I love to use my favorite line, I am a Soldier by Choice, an Engineer by Profession, an Educationist by Passion and an Author by accident.

I am born & brought up in the picturesque hill station called Kodagu (Coorg), in Karnataka. Coorg is known as the land of warriors, has contributed largely to the Indian Army. There used to be at least one person serving in the Army from every family in Coorg, joining the Army was pride for people of Coorg.

I was involved in Indian Peace Keeping Force – Srilanka, Op-Vijay Kargil and many other insurgency operations in his 20 years of service. I had the privilege of working with his Excellency former President of India, Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam & DRDO team during the Pokhran-II Nuclear test at Pokhran desert.

I am the Chairman & Founder of Santo Group of Institutions and runs 2 CBSE Schools in Mysore. We are blessed with a son and he is doing his Masters in Automotive Sports Engineering from Netherlands.

2. Your latest book titled Israel-Palestine War: Give Peace a Chance is on  geopolitical genre and even the last book was also on the same genre- what’s attract you to pen geopolitical books?

Joseph: The allure of writing on geopolitical themes stems from a profound yearning to understand the intricate tapestry of human relations, the undercurrents of power, and the delicate dance of nations on the global stage. At the heart of my attraction lies an insatiable curiosity about the world, a desire to untangle the complex web of historical grievances, cultural identities, and competing ideologies that shape the trajectories of nations and peoples.

Geopolitics is not merely a tapestry of maps and borders; it is a living, breathing narrative, woven from the threads of human experience, conflict, and aspiration. Each nation, each people, carries within them a story – a tale of triumphs and tribulations, of dreams deferred and destinies pursued. In penning these narratives, my aim is to illuminate the depths of human experience that underlie the grand chessboard of global affairs.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular, exerts a magnetic pull on my writing. It is a conflict that defies easy resolution, a knot of historical grievances, religious fervor, and existential questions of identity and belonging. In its complexity, I see a microcosm of the broader human struggle – the clash of narratives, the weight of trauma, and the quest for dignity and self-determination that transcends borders and epochs.

My attraction to geopolitical writing extends beyond the realms of conflict and division. It is also a celebration of the indomitable human spirit, the resilience that transcends even the most formidable challenges. In the annals of history, I find inspiration in the stories of those who dared to dream of a better world, who stood defiant in the face of oppression and injustice, and who forged pathways of reconciliation and understanding amidst the rubble of conflict.

It is this dual nature of geopolitics – the capacity for both destruction and transformation – that captivates me. In my writing, I seek to illuminate the fault lines that fracture our world while simultaneously illuminating the possibilities for healing and progress. Each book becomes a canvas upon which I can paint the complexities of the human condition, inviting readers to join me on a journey of exploration, empathy, and ultimately, a quest for a more just and peaceful world.

With each book, I aim to a unwavering conviction – that in the realm of geopolitics, the pen can be mightier than the sword, and that through the power of storytelling, we can transcend the boundaries that divide us and embrace the shared humanity that unites us all.

3. Can we say that your profile as an Army veteran actually encouraged you to  take up this genre as your specialization?

Joseph: Your question touches upon a profound truth – that my experiences shape not only the lens through which we view the world but also the narratives we are drawn to explore. As an Army veteran, my encounters with the realities of conflict and the complexities of geopolitical dynamics have undoubtedly influenced my path as an Author. It is a deeper resonance, an intimate understanding of the human costs of conflict and the profound yearning for peace that echoes across generations and borders.

These experiences instilled within me a profound skepticism of simplistic narratives and a deep reverence for the complexities that underlie human conflict. I emerged from those battlefields with a conviction that the true path to peace lies not in the dominance of one narrative over another but in the cultivation of mutual understanding, in the willingness to step into the lived experiences of those we may have been taught to fear or revile.

While my military experience may have provided a visceral foundation for my exploration of geopolitical themes, it is the broader human yearning for understanding, the quest to unravel the tangled web of conflict and aspiration, that truly lies at the heart of my literary endeavors. It is a calling rooted in a profound belief that words can shift paradigms, that stories can catalyze empathy, and that through the exchange of narratives, we can forge a more just and peaceful global community.

In the end, my journey as an Author is not merely a recounting of battles and strategies but a sacred stewardship of the stories that have too often been silenced or distorted. It is a mission to use the power of the pen as an instrument of transformation, to weave together the disparate threads of human experience into a tapestry of understanding that transcends the boundaries that divide us.

4. Besides being an author, you are also a corporate leader, an educationist, and a social entrepreneur.- Will love to know about your work in the respective fields.

Joseph :  In the Corporate arena, my role has been that of an architect – an architect not merely of structures and systems but of organizational cultures that foster growth, collaboration, and a deep reverence for human ingenuity. My approach has been rooted in the fundamental belief that true leadership is not a matter of command and control but rather an act of empowerment, a sacred stewardship of human potential. It is the art of creating spaces where individuals can shed the shackles of self-doubt and limitation, where they can embrace the boundless expanse of their own creativity and drive.

As an Educationist, I have been a torchbearer, illuminating the path to self-discovery and lifelong learning. For it is within the hallowed halls of knowledge that the seeds of transformation are sown, where young minds are sculpted not merely with information but with the tools of critical thinking, empathy, and an insatiable thirst for intellectual growth.

In this arena, my role has been that of a guide – a guide who does not dictate but rather inspires, who nurtures the innate curiosity and wonder that resides within every child, every student. We have crafted curricula that transcend the confines of rote memorization & fostering instead a spirit of inquiry, a passion for exploration, and a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all knowledge. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education – how it can kindle the flames of self-belief, how it can shatter the shackles of circumstance, and how it can empower individuals to become the architects of their own destinies.

My Social ventures have been guided by a steadfast belief in the inherent dignity and potential of all human beings, a conviction that every individual, regardless of circumstance, possesses the capacity to rise above adversity and contribute to the betterment of the world. From empowering marginalized communities through sustainable livelihood initiatives to pioneering models of inclusive education, my work has been a testament to the power of human ingenuity and resilience.

Across these diverse arenas, a common thread emerges – a profound reverence for the human spirit, an unwavering belief in the limitless potential that resides within each of us. Whether in the boardroom, the classroom, or the communities we seek to uplift, my work has been a testament to the power of empowerment, of creating environments where individuals can transcend the confines of circumstance and self-doubt, where they can embrace their innate gifts and contribute to the co-creation of a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

5. How and when writing happened for you in life?

JosephMy love affair with the writing began during the Covid lockdown.

As I stand at the crossroads of my journey, writing remains my constant companion, my anchor in the storm. It is the thread that weaves together the tapestry of my life, the canvas upon which I will continue to paint the ever-unfolding story of my existence. For me, writing is not merely a pursuit or a profession; it is a way of being, a means of engaging with the world and giving voice to the ineffable. It is a sacred covenant, a promise to bear witness, to seek understanding, and to leave an indelible mark upon the collective human narrative.

6. Israel-Palestine War: Give Peace a Chance – will request you to share what readers can expect from this book and how it can impact them?

Joseph: In the crucible of conflict that has simmered for generations, the Israeli-Palestinian struggle stands as one of the most enduring and divisive challenges of our time. For decades, history, religion, and geopolitics has defied resolution, leaving a trail of shattered lives, fractured communities, and dashed hopes in its wake. Amidst the disillusionment and despair, a glimmer of possibility stubbornly persists – the audacious belief that peace, however elusive, can be grasped if we summon the courage to confront our fears, abandon entrenched narratives, and embrace the shared humanity that binds us all.

“Israel-Palestine War: Give Peace a Chance,” is not merely a lament or a catalogue of woes; it is a clarion call to action, an impassioned plea for us to reclaim our collective agency in shaping the destiny of this troubled region. For too long, we have allowed ourselves to be paralyzed by the weight of history, the complexity of the issues, and the seeming futility of seeking common ground. But in these pages, I will challenge you that peace is not an unattainable dream, but a tangible reality within our grasp – if only we have the courage to envision it, the tenacity to pursue it, and the humility to learn from our mistakes.

Together, we will delve into the profound spiritual and cultural dimensions that have imbued this struggle with such visceral potency, seeking to understand the profound sense of belonging and identity that lies at the heart of both the Israeli and Palestinian narratives.

In the end, the path to peace lies not in the abstractions of diplomacy or the clashing of ideologies, but in the simple yet transformative act of recognizing the other – of beholding the depth of their pain, the validity of their aspirations, and the common yearning for dignity and belonging that beats in every human heart.

7. You started your journey in the creative world with India: The Next Superpower. Is there any chance that in coming time we will get to read some different style of writing from you other than geopolitical genre?

Joseph: Absolutely, couple of books are in the pipeline including Human Leadership, Artificial Intelligence, Unsung Heroes of Indian Army and Autobiography as well. 

8. How long you took to pen this book- Israel-Palestine War: Give Peace a Chance?


Joseph: Overall it took 6 months

9. There are many budding authors in the industry, what will be your suggestion for them?

Joseph : To the aspiring authors embarking upon this sacred journey, I offer these words not merely as suggestions, but as kindling to stoke the fires of your creative spirit. For the path you tread is one forged by countless dreamers and visionaries before you.

First and foremost, cultivate a reverence for the written word, for it is your chisel, your brush, your instrument of sorcery through which entire worlds are conjured into existence. Treat each sentence as a sacred offering, a single thread in the tapestry you weave, and imbue it with the weight of your passion, your vision, your very soul. For words have power, the power to move hearts and minds, and awaken slumbering spirits.

Seek inspiration in the world around you, in the stories etched upon the faces of strangers, in the poetry of nature’s rhythms, in the grand tapestry of history that unfurls before you. Let every encounter, every observation, every fleeting moment become grist for your creative mill, raw materials to be transmuted into literary gold. Cultivate a beginner’s mind, ever open to new perspectives, new ways of seeing and understanding the world.

Seek not validation from the world, but rather draw sustenance from the wellspring of your own passion. For the true measure of your worth as an artist lies not in the accolades of others, but in the depth of your commitment to your craft, in the relentless pursuit of excellence that drives you ever forward. And above all, never lose sight of the sacred trust you bear as a storyteller, as a weaver of dreams and a chronicler of the human spirit.

10. Who is that person who inspired you to write or whose writing inspired you?

Joseph : Amidst the luminous pantheon of literary giants, there shines many beacons whose radiance has cast an indelible glow upon my own creative journey.

  1. Leadership Secrets of Colin Powel – Oren Harari
  2. Indian Wars by Arjun Subramaniam
  3. India and Asian Geopolitics by Shivshankar Menon

11. Who is your creative works best critique?

Joseph : It’s my son Daniel Joseph and I admire his depth of simulation and constructive criticism. Last but not the least, the voice of the readers, I read each Reviews carefully and try to improvise in the next book.

12.Who are your favorite authors/poets and why?

Joseph: These are the authors whose words have seared themselves into the collective consciousness of humanity. For me, these voices have become more than mere storytellers – they are kindred spirits, fellow sojourners on the eternal quest to capture the essence of the human experience in all its messy, transcendent glory.

Dr Shashi Tharoor  – Whose words reverberate with a soulful cadence that defies all mortal description. In his hands, words become incandescent embers, searing through the layers of complacency and ignorance to reveal the raw, elemental truths that lie at the core of our collective existence.

Ruskin Bond – He is one of the fellows of the Sahitya Akademi and a renowned Indian author.  His characters are not mere archetypes, but living, breathing embodiments of the myriad facets of the human experience, their triumphs and tribulations a mirror in which we glimpse our own hopes, fears, and hidden truths.

Sir Salman Rushdie –  His work often combines magic realism with historical fiction and primarily deals with connections, disruptions, and migrations between Eastern and Western civilizations.

13. What are your passions in life?

Joseph : Indeed, my passion extends far beyond the realm of literature, encompassing diverse arenas where I strive to catalyze positive change and empower individuals to unlock their full potential. As a corporate leader, an educationist, and a social entrepreneur, I have embarked on a multifaceted journey driven by a singular purpose – to create environments where people can thrive, where innovation can flourish, and where the transformative power of human potential can be unleashed.

For me, passion is not a solitary pursuit, but a symphony of collaboration and shared endeavor. Passion is not merely a fleeting fancy or a passing whim – it is the very essence of what it means to be human, the animating force that propels us ever onward in our quest for meaning and fulfillment.

14. Express yourself as an author in One line.

Joseph: I am a versatile writer passionate about storytelling, drawing readers into new worlds and perspectives.