Propose Day – The Day Of Seeking The Promise Of Togetherness Forever
Propose Day – The Day Of Seeking The Promise Of Togetherness Forever

Proposing to the love of their life is often the most difficult task in the journey of love. The fear of rejection often makes people feel in-confident about expressing their wish of being together till eternity, in front of their lover. But on the 8th of February, lovers across the globe shun their fear and express their true feelings in front of their beloved. With the magic of love lingering in the air gives them the courage to propose to their girlfriends/ boyfriends.
Given the fact that 2016 is a leap year, the Proposal day holds a special significance this year for the females. It is believed that ladies can propose to their boyfriends in the leap year, who must accept their proposal. In the ancient times, rejecting such a proposal was considered offensive and the men who committed this crime were fined according to the rule of the land. So all you boys and girls out there open your heart and express your deepest desire in front of your beloved on this Propose day!
O my darling with the face of moon
Every moment that I spend with you
Is so special just like a heavenly boon
I open my heart in front of you now
Make me complete by accepting my love!!!!
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