Shall We Tango, Charlie? By Chetna Lumb Bedi – A Wonderful Book Inspired By Indian Special Forces
Shall We Tango, Charlie? By Chetna Lumb Bedi – A WonderFul Book Inspired By Indian Special Forces
Publisher: Fingerprint! Publishing
Publication Year: 2020
ISBN-10: 9390093058
ISBN-13: 978-9390093052
Pages: 400
Rating: 5 on 5
It is a common perception that women today are in a better position when it comes to sharing equal status with men. While this is true to some extent, it is not an absolute fact as women still struggle a lot to be treated at par with their male counterparts in various sectors. Recently, came across a book that highlighted this fact while also reflecting the bravery, sacrifice, and patriotism of our armed forces. The book, titled Shall We Tango, Charlie? has been written by Chetna Lumb Bedi.
Ahana is a strong, sensitive, funny, and compassionate young girl who cherishes the dream of becoming a Garud Commando. Her devil-may-care attitude helps her overcome the challenges in a world dominated by men and even though she knows that she will have to fight every step of the way, she is enjoying the journey. However, life has planned a twist for Ahana, who is haunted by her past and unable to trust her present. I know many of you will be curious to know what next happens in her life? For that, I strongly insist you grab a copy of this book and enjoy every bit of the story.
The best thing I liked about the book is that it presents the imaginary tale of a woman realistically becoming a Garud Commando although female recruits are currently not permitted in this elite force. Yes, I am talking about the character of Ahana. It also reflects beautifully on the ability of Ahana to balance her career aspirations and her relationships. Most importantly, the book brings to fore the challenging life lead by the individuals committed to serving Mother India by donning the uniform.
I am quite sure that you will also love the developments of the other characters in the story, as they are developed in an impressive way. For a few characters, you will love to hate them and for a few, you will love to love them. Apart from the character of Ahana, one specific character I found very entertaining and is Yashpal Jora, the Leh Project Manager. I give full credit to the author’s writing style for creating such an impact on my mind as a reader with her work. The story is a highly gripping one and will be difficult for a reader to stop before reaching the last page. The surprising fact is that this book is the first work of Chetna Lumb Bedi and am impressed with her potential as a writer. Salute to this amazing author and I wish her immense success not just for the book but also for all her upcoming ventures in the world of literature.
Special Thanks to Fingerprint! Publishing for providing a Review copy of Shall We Tango Charlie By Chetna Lumb Bedi
Shall We Tango, Charlie? by Chetna Lumb Bedi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ahana is a strong, sensitive, funny, and compassionate young girl who cherishes the dream of becoming a Garud Commando. Her devil-may-care attitude helps her overcome the challenges in a world dominated by men and even though she knows that she will have to fight every step of the way, she is enjoying the journey. However, life has planned a twist for Ahana, who is haunted by her past and unable to trust her present. I know many of you will be curious to know what next happens in her life? For that, I strongly insist you grab a copy of this book and enjoy every bit of the story.
Salute to this amazing author and I wish her immense success not just for the book but also for all her upcoming ventures in the world of literature.
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The kind of suspense kept in the review is very pleasing as it will definitely make the readers to try the book, am also among them..the review is very much magnetising…and also the way it is potrayed.. showcase that you are a wonderful writer.

Women are still struggling to get the respect they deserve. This book seems to highlight the fact that women are no less compared to men.adding this to my tbr.
Well written review. I look forward for more such reviews in future. I love the curiosity factor in every suspense thriller book.
I saw this picture in Instagram last day. I was about and then something came up. But the it was in the back of mind. Finally after reading the review, now I want to get hold of it
Ah, another book about special force. That’s my interest zone. Thanks for recommending it. I will look after this.
You made a very convincing review. I also smell women empowering plot so something I wanna try.
This is such a great post Samata. I like how you have described the book. I like reading books on women so I have added this to my TBR. Great post????????????.
Only the opening part of your review is enough to convince me to pick the book.
A book on women related issues is definitely of my interest, gonna grab the copy of this one. You have penned down the review beautifully.
This book sounds really interesting. Never heard of such a story before in an Indian setting. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Might add it to my TBR.
Sounds really interesting…will definitely check this out…thanks for the review
Thanks for the comment
Well done! I was on the fence and now I’m sold!