Do Not Judge Me By My Words By SHWETA SANDHU BENIWAL- A poetic journey of a poetess.
Posted by admin
On May 06, 2021
Do Not Judge Me By My Words By SHWETA SANDHU BENIWAL- A poetic journey of a poetess.

Publication Year: 2020
ISBN-10: 8194642043
ISBN-13: 978-8194642046
Pages: 51
Rating: 3.8 on 5
Poetry is one segment of the literature world that allows you to speak your heart out about the emotions going within you in a creative and rhythmic way. But the concept of poetry experienced a massive change in the last couple of years, and now narrative lines in place of rhythmic lines are winning the hearts of poetry lovers. One of the recent examples of this modified concept of poetry you can see when you pick the book “Do Not Judge Me, By My Words” By SHWETA SANDHU BENIWAL.
The book is a collection of poems restricted to no particular theme, and that what is the beauty of this work by the poetess. Each line of every poem gives you the feel as if Shweta is talking to you. It is like she is narrating her experiences in life in a beautiful way, straight from the heart.
Various serious and meaningful topics are covered in this book, and I appreciate Shweta for taking up the risk of presenting variations on one plate. It is the author’s debut book, and she perfectly displayed her potential as a poetess in the industry. I am sure with time we will witness more sharpness in her work. Little fineness in finishing the poetry will be noticed with time. My personal favorite in the book is CAREER, as I can feel every bit of the lines, Shweta penned down in the poem. She is a rising star. Well, I strongly believe, that in the coming time, she will gift much more, as a poetess. A little touch of the editor’s expertise will improve the presentation for sure. Being a debutant, Shweta did an amazing job, and I wish her immense success in life and also in the literary world.
I don’t know why, I have not read much poetry.
Have already come across the work once…came across its review for the first time which makes it look quite interesting!
These days I have started reading more of the poetry and prose so I think I can surely go for this one if it’s as lovely as u have described in ur review
I like diverse poetry. A poetry book restricted to one theme can exhaust your mind, however, different themes make the reader going. The cover of this book could have been better to complete the work.
Regarding the cover page view of yours about this book, I agree 100% with you. Areas of improvement are there in the work of the poet.
Ah Poetry, I will surely check this out. Poetry is the one thing that always helps me to come out from a reading slump.
A collection of poems sounds so interesting it’s been really long since I have read one.