Book Review Of Vigil – Aunties By Richa S. Mukherjee

Book Review Of Vigil – Aunties By Richa S. Mukherjee – A Crime Thriller With A Unique Sense Of Humor


In most families, children unintentionally place their parents on a high moral pedestal, ignoring their natural human feelings and traits. So, when an unexpected truth about their parents comes to the fore, most children struggle to accept it.

Richa S. Mukherjee uses this notion of parents being revered in a God-like manner by their children as the backdrop of her latest book, Vigil-Aunties. The author uses this peculiar family dynamic to give an interesting spin to a thriller story, establishing its uniqueness from the word go.

Premise:  Vigil – Aunties

Living in a crumbling old society, the focus of 16-year-old Philly Waghmare is on cracking the SAT. However, she feels excited to attend the weekly meetings of her mother, Varsha, and the other aunties of her society. Philly is happy to live her curated life until a shocking incident turns her world upside down. To learn the truth about the incident, Philly follows her best friend Naina’s hotshot father, Tarun Adhikari. Little does she know that her curiosity will lead her to unravel an even bigger secret about her sweet and cultured mother. She soon learns that Varsha heads the group of aunties from her society. What shocks her even more is that the group might be responsible for the disappearance of a wanted man, Ratan Tamancha. Things become even more complicated when Bharatendu Bandopadhyay starts investigating the case, following his unusual manner.  

Character Development: Vigil – Aunties

The author has done a great job of developing the characters realistically to make them look authentic. Be it an ignorant Philly or the socially active Varsha and somewhat eccentric Bharatendu to the enigmatic Tarun, every character is extremely well-developed. They all add to the story and leave a lasting impression on the readers’ minds of the readers.  

Plot: Vigil – Aunties

The plot of Vigil-Aunties combines elements of drama, thrill, action, and humor. The author has balanced all the elements beautifully to create a storyline that makes the readers bite their nails and gives them a good laugh at the same time. It has much suspense with several twists and turns to make it look like a crime thriller. At the same time, the plot is dramatic enough to make the readers emotional. So, it is a unique plot that is quite engaging and entertaining.  

Writing Style: Vigil – Aunties

The simple language and humorous narrative of Vigil-Aunties enhance its readability significantly. The smooth flow of the story makes it easy to understand. Another plus point is the seamless integration of various subplots which make the story more interesting and enjoyable. The author has proved her mastery of the art of storytelling through this book.

Final Verdict: Vigil – Aunties

Vigil-Aunties is a must-read book for people who love thrillers with an element of drama and humor. I give it a rating of 4/5.

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