Ancient Astrology – Learn about this divine science by reading the best seller books
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On May 03, 2021
Ancient Astrology – Learn about this divine science by reading the best seller books

Books are that gift of life that never leaves you alone. Books turn humans knowledgeable, intelligent, and judicious. Books always play a significant role to make us well-versed in various subjects. Like other professions, individuals who want to gain knowledge in astrology and want to become professionals in this field also need to read different types of books on astrology. Many get confused about the right choice of books on this subject. To make things simple I am sharing with you the best books on astrology. When I was a student of astrology one of my gurus used to say “just like the stethoscope of a doctor, these books are key astrological tools to follow.” So, I am sharing the same with you the list.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
In Indian Astrology, Maharshi Parashar is one of those rishis of ancient times who contributed massively to predictive astrology. He wrote many books on Indian Astrology, among which Laghu Parashari, Madhya Parashari, and Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra are some classic contributions of Rishi Parashar. Eminent astrologers always recommend these books.
Among these books, many astrologers consider Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra as their rule book. This book contains the key techniques for accurate prediction. Astrologers can gain knowledge about the right way of mathematical calculation of planetary positions. Moreover, the book shares more than 100 astrological yogas. Here yogas mean planetary combination creating yog in a natal chart.

Sarvarth Chintamani
Sarvanth Chintamani is famous among astrologers as the book shares some critical observations on Vedic astrology. The book describes details about the planets, zodiac signs, and their functionalities. Astrologers prefer this book due to its special coverage of health, wealth, and prosperity. It also shares a detailed study on benefic and malefic planets.
Individuals who want to gain in-depth knowledge in astrology will get the chance to learn more about different planetary positions, the ruling power planets, planetary war, and more.

Astrologers can get complete views on Vedic astrology and Hindu Predictive Science from Phaladeppika. The book was written by Astro specialist writer, Mantreswar in Sanskrit. The book contains 865 Slokas in Sanskrit and 28 chapters. Astrologers pay this book the same importance as Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. It describes the basic theories as well as advanced techniques used in Vedic astrological science

Brihat Jatakam
While conducting astrological prediction, the study on Rahu and Ketu is very important but Varah Mihir ignored the calculation of positions of these 2 shadow planets. Modern astrologers strongly believe that without having excellence in prediction for Rahu and Ketu, their prediction will not show predicted results. This book is for all who have a bit of knowledge and interest in astrology. Here calculations have been mentioned scientific manner and in brief. The book consists of 28 chapters and 407 Slokas. It gave massive focus on marriage, conception, longevity, childbirth, the effect of the birth time, birth of twin and triplets, and many other aspects of life.

Jatak Parijata
For those who want to master Vedic Astrology, Jatak Paritjata is no doubt one of the best textbooks for them. Vaidyanatha Dikshita penned this book on Vedic predictive astrology. This book is one of the most popular textbooks for those who are doing studies on astrology. The book consists of 1763 slokas, but now the numbers have reached 1910 approximately. This book is considered to be one of the most important guidebooks for predictive astrology.

The prolific author, Kalyan Varma, conducted exclusive research on Indian Astrology and wrote the book Saravali. The book is again considered valuable similar to Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Jataka Parijat, Brihat Jataka, and more. The book talks about the benefic and malefic planets, about synonym of Bhavas, and Gandant in addition to the nature of planets. You will learn in detail about Kendra, Trikon, Apoklima, Upachay, Phanaphar, and Anupachaya. What are these terms? Pick the book to read, and you will not regret it.

Uttara Kalamrita
If you are interested to know about sidereal astrology, this book is perfect for you. The book primarily shares the calculations on Gulika and Mandi.
Some of the other books that I will surely recommend if you want to take astrology seriously are Prasna Marg, Laghu Parashari, and Muhurta Chintamani. Apart from the books that I talked about, there are countless ancient astrological books that you can refer to to enhance your astrological base and practice astrology with honesty and not just for earning money. Do remember the way you share readings will affect the mind and soul of your client. I insist you all be sensitive in choosing your words at the time of sharing your predictions with your client.
TOPICS AstrologerAstrologyBrihat JatakamHora shastraJatak ParijataPhaladeepikaSaravali
These are some really good book recommendations that deals with astrology. I will try and read some of these… thank you
I was curious yo know more about this subject… These are some interesting books on Astrology… will try and read some of these.. thank you for the recommendation.
Your knowledge of the subject is very widespread. I loked the way you have related books with the subject and the subject can prosper only after reading.
Astrology is indeed an intriguing subject. Thank you for sharing about these books!
Astrology is a very interesting subject. There are so many books regarding astrology. As always you have come up with such a different subject. Keep it up.
Didi for many years I was finding for such kind of books. But I think today I got the one. The descriptions you started with are mesmerising. ❤️
Really good list of recommendations. I have heard about a few books you have listed. Thanks!
This is a good kind of list to start and understand the topic, hope everyone understands the topic!!!
Woah, that is too much study for me. How do you read so many different types of academic books and Review them flawlessly? I am awed
I am an astrologer Abhigyan and these books are like our guide to master this subject for giving realistic readings of horoscope to clients.
It is really fascinating how astrologist have to learn and educate themselves to correctly predict a person’s future.
I am not that much into this spirituality, astrology kind of stuff. But the thing looks really interesting.
Oh my thanks for all so many book recommendations. I’ll try to read them if I get the chance
Such an informative post, thank you for sharing