Re-imagining a World with Famous Indian Bookish Fictional Characters Active on Social Media

Re-imagining a World with Famous Indian Bookish Fictional Characters Active on Social Media

I think most of you will agree with me when I say that our lives today are ruled by social media. Many of you might start hyperventilating at the very idea of living in a world where social media does not exist. Now imagine all your favorite fictional Indian characters coming to life in today’s world. Imagine what they would do and how they would change the online landscape if they could access the various social media platforms.

Ah! Just the very thought of it brings a smile to my face. So, let’s take a sneak peek into this re-imagined world and see how some famous characters are likely to behave if they were to be ushered into this modern world.

The Wise & Witty Tenali Rama

The Fiery Draupadi From Mahabharata

Born from the fire of a yagya, Draupadi from Mahabharta, is well known as one of the strongest female characters in Indian mythology. Twitter would undoubtedly be her preferred platform for venting her rage about the social injustices against women with strong and attention-grabbing hashtags. Instagram would become her medium of choice for posting reels about woman empowerment.

She would also use it to share inspiring quotes and stories to boost the confidence of women and invoke their inner strength. She would use Facebook to build a community where women could share their stories and receive support and encouragement. Draupadi’s social media profile would be that of a great feminist who does not shy away from expressing her opinions on different social issues in the strongest words. #QueenOfDrama #PandavaPrincess #DraupadiDiaries

The Cheeky and Mischievous Swami

This is one character I would love to see interacting through social media platforms. The naughty, and mischievous Swami from R.K. Narayan’s Malgudi Days is someone we all adore. His Twitter posts would surely be full of playful and sarcastic comments, which would leave some offended and others scratching their heads. He might even use the platform to create polls to seek the opinion of the general public about whatever dilemma he might be facing.

He would create hilarious memes and visuals on Instagram teasing those who irked him. Oh, what sweet revenge it would be! I think he would find LinkedIn and Facebook somewhat boring but he would sure love the creative freedom he would get to enjoy with TikTok. I think that Swami’s social media profile would be quite interesting and would help to revive our inner child. #LifeOfASchoolboy #SwamiAndHisAntics #SwamiShenanigans #SwamiStories #MalgudiMadness

The Jilted and Emotional Lover Devdas

Now, how can we forget the sad and miserable Devdas, who loved like none other? What a great medium social media would provide for him to share his somber tale. His Twitter posts would primarily comprise emotional couplets about being a failed lover. Facebook would be the ideal platform for him to upload poetic posts about heartbreak and I am certain that his Instagram profile would be overcrowded with images and reels of drunken and heartbroken lovers.

I think his LinkedIn page would offer endless advice about love philosophy and long rants about how it is the cause of all human suffering.  All in all, I feel that his social media profile would not be a happy one and would only attract people who might have been deceived by their lover. #Devdas #premdewana #HumeshaTumoChhaha #ParoKaDev

Final Thoughts

I believe, and I think you would agree with me, that the Indian fictional characters would make the social media landscape more engaging and entertaining through their unique personalities and opinions. What do you think about it and which fictional character, in addition to the ones mentioned above would you like to see using this technology? Do let me know in your comments.

“This post is part of the Bookish League blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile