The Traditional Indian Sarbats To Beat the Heat this Summer

The Traditional Indian Sarbats To Beat the Heat this summer

Are you feeling the heat this summer? Is there any way that can help us beat the heat and keep our bodies hydrated and cool? You can consider these traditional Indian summer drinks instead of just water. It offers tasty and healthy options that will entice your palate.

These refreshing drinks proved their ability to fight the scorching heat of the Indian summer for generations. Check out the traditional summertime beverages that will help keep you hydrated and help you sustain in the Indian summers. Indian Summer Food Feasts are incomplete without these tasty and tangy summer drinks.

Aam Panna, also known as Raw Mango Drink     

Mango pulp is made by boiling and mashing the mangoes. In the pulp, sugar, black salt, cumin seeds, and leaves of mint are added before mixing all the ingredients. The unique flavor of sweet and sour of Aam Panna will set the mood with a refreshing feel.

In summer, the aam panna is among the most desired drinks and is offered at most functions to guests. It gives our palates a tart twist in addition to quenching our thirst. Additionally, it aids in preserving both iron and salt lost through sweating. In hot weather, it keeps the stomach cool and facilitates digestion. The raw mango replenishes what you lose through sweat by providing vitamin C, potassium, and additional nutrients. People with diabetes can also sip this beverage without limitations, although they should not add any sugar.

Buttermilk: A Primary Yet powerful Calming agent

Buttermilk is a time-tested drink for summers that is highly valued for its ease of making and potency in relieving dry throats and tired spirits. This modest elixir, which is made from the solution left over after spinning butter, has been treasured for its chilling and gastric qualities for a very long time.

Buttermilk offers you a delightful break from the heat, satisfies your thirst, and replenishes fluids with each glass by blending the creamy texture of yogurt with the mild salinity of churned butter. Its simplicity betrays its potency, as the probiotic-rich content of buttermilk helps your metabolism, calms upset stomachs, and gives a mild energy boost, resulting in an essential summertime aid.

Bel Sharbat, or Wood Apple Drink

Sattu Ki Sharbat: The Cool and Tasty Drink

Kokum Sharbat: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

With every sip, Kokum Sharbat, reveals itself as a potent antioxidant-rich elixir that embodies health and energy. This refreshing drink is made from the extract of the Kokum fruit, which grows naturally in India’s lush coastal regions. It contains a high concentration of healthy chemicals recognized for their antioxidant qualities.

Kokum is well known for having high hydroxy citric acid content, which supports healthy digestion and helps with weight management. Kokum reaches its optimum capacity when it is made into a revitalizing sharbat; it provides a hint of natural sweetness that wakes the body and revitalizes the brain.

Mint Gur Sharbat- The Jaggery Sweetness

All you need to make this sharbat is gur, water, fresh mint leaves, and a few more ingredients. The sweetness of gur blends wonderfully with the refreshing taste of mint leaves. This delicious mint gur sharbat will revitalize your body. It provides relief from the summer heat.

This drink is an absolute Yes for people keen on weight loss as Jaggery is perfectly safe for their intake and a fantastic replacement for sugar with no compromise on the sweetness factor. It restricts water retention in the body and is thus a perfect ingredient for weight loss.

Khus Ka Sharbat- Cool Effect on your Body:

Khus Ka Sharbat is a soothing sharbat that you should try this summer. To make this, put the poppy seed squash in a container and combine it with water, sugar, and khus flavor. It is a tasty and cool summertime beverage.

Thandai-The Drink for A Soothing feel

Thandai is a classic Indian beverage with a creamy consistency and a hint of sweetness. It is made of Badam or almonds. It also includes fennel, cardamom, rose petals, and other ingredients, combined with water, sugar, and milk. The distinctive flowery fragrance and flavor of thandai originates from the mix of herbs and petals of roses. The spices add a warmth that counterbalances the drink’s coolness, and the milk and nuts give the thandai its richness.

In North India, thandai is a favorite summertime beverage. The ingredients of this drink offer a refreshing sensation, and the dairy products and nuts nourish the body. When you desire to relax on a hot summer night, thandai is a calming and revitalizing option. It provides a relaxing, tranquil effect that many feel helps them enjoy a revitalizing and peaceful sleep.

Panakam: A cooling drink from South India

A classic South Indian beverage Panakam, is prepared with water, lemon juice, cardamom, dried ginger powder, and jaggery. The sweet and spicy cooler keeps your body’s electrolyte balance intact and assists in maintaining body hydration.

It is made during religious celebrations, particularly on Sri Rama Navami. Panakam is offered as a sacred drink.

The Jaljeera Tangy- The Tandy Twist Drink

Jaljeera is another excellent choice if you’re searching for simple, refreshing summertime cocktails. Ginger, mint, cumin, black salt, black pepper, and raw mango powder are mixed, to create this tart and yummy beverage. Moreover, jaljeera is proven to improve digestion and guard against heat strokes.


These tasty and pleasant classic Indian beverages are the perfect way to stay cool and rejuvenated when the temperature is at its peak. Many of these drinks have elements that aid with metabolism, water intake, and overall health, in addition to their cooling qualities.

To protect you and your dear ones from piercing heat during the summertime, indulge yourself in enjoying India’s authentic cultural drinks. Each of them is a deliciously refreshing drink to soothe your body, mind, and soul perfectly.

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